Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills: Definitions and 50+ Examples | EdgePoint Learning (2024)

Corey Bleich

🍿🍿 8 min. read

While hard skills are important, savvy companies know that excellent employees have another skill set that may be harder to cultivate: soft skills. Turns out, hard skills vs soft skills isn't an either/or proposition. It's a both/and package worth cultivating in potential and long-term employees alike.

What’s the difference between the two? Before you can write a job description or a resume, mentor team members, or design a learning program, it’s crucial to thoroughly understand the difference between hard skills and soft skills. This guide will get you started, and will contain long lists of examples to structure your job searching, training, and more.

🔍 What you’ll find in this post

  • Soft skills vs. hard skills
  • What are soft skills?
  • Soft skills examples
  • What are hard skills?
  • Hard skills examples
  • Training for hard and soft skills

What is the difference between hard skills vs. soft skills?

Hard skills are easy to measure and define, while soft skills are a bit more nebulous. Hard skills are those talents and abilities that can be measured. They are usually specific to a particular job, and they can be learned through schooling or on-the-job training. Soft skills are less defined skills that often apply not only to one specific job but are universal. Some recruiters or HR personnel might define these vaguely as “people skills.” Think of empathy, creativity, adaptability, and collaboration.

Hard skills are often those you list on a resumé or the areas in which you hold certifications. Soft skills are those that help you build longer-lasting coworker and customer relationships. The importance of hard skills vs. soft skills should not be underestimated.

Soft skills vs hard skills stats

Hard skills and soft skills are both important in the workplace, but they represent different types of abilities that someone can bring the table. Some statistics and insights on the importance of both hard and soft skills in the workplace include:

  • Soft skills are highly valued by employers, with 93% of employers stating that soft skills are either an essential or very important factor in hiring decisions
  • Employers are increasingly seeking employees with soft skills such as dependability, teamwork/collaboration, problem-solving, and flexibility
  • According to LinkedIn's Most In-Demand Hard and Soft Skills, the top five hard skills in demand in 2023 were software development, SQL, finance, Python, and Java
  • The top five soft skills in demand were management, communication, customer service, leadership, and sales.

While hard skills are important for performing specific responsibilities, soft skills are highly valued by employers and can have a significant impact on a person's ability to work effectively in a team, communicate with others, and adapt to new situations. As we’ll discuss later, it’s essential to develop and maintain a balance between the two types of skills to excel.

What are soft skills?

Soft skills are skills and abilities that are much harder to measure and a bit fuzzier to define. In general, these are interpersonal skills that help people get along with each other and communicate and collaborate effectively. They relate to how someone interacts with others, manages their time, and handles their emotions and actions.

Challenging to train explicitly, soft skills include things like character, ability to work on a team, and overall understanding of and participation in your company culture. Employees just entering the workforce or transitioning to a new career may struggle with soft skills, especially as they relate to fellow employees.

Reviewing different examples of soft skills can help you better understand this concept, too.

What are the most common soft skills examples?

Soft skills are often interpersonal skills that can be difficult to train for. They can include the following examples:

AdaptabilityEmotional intelligence
TeamworkAbility to “read a room”
Time managementMultitasking
Attention to detailResponsibility
Strategic thinkingProblem solving
Good decision makingConflict resolution
InnovationSocial skills
Cultural awarenessSensitivity
Positive attitudeOpen-mindedness
Work ethicCritical thinking
Customer service

Why are soft skills important to train for?

Of these skills, emotional intelligence is arguably the hardest to teach. This includes a person’s ability to empathize with others, regulate their own behavior, and develop self-awareness. Emotional intelligence also indicates a level of intrinsic motivation that contributes to a strong work ethic.

However, developing soft skills matters. A Carnegie Mellon Foundation study found that 75% of long-term job success depends on the level of soft skills employees had. Another LinkedIn study found that 57% of employers value soft skills more than hard skills when making new hire decisions.

Put simply, you can be a certified expert in your field, but that won’t matter much if you just can’t work with your fellow employees, customers, leadership, and others.

👉Learn more: Find our full guide on how to train employees on soft skills

What are hard skills?

Hard skills are much easier to quantify and measure. These are things that employees are specifically trained for, like a plumber who learns to fix a leaky faucet or a nurse learning to draw blood.

Through specific instruction, on-the-job training, and trial-and-error, hard skills form the backbone of the job.

What are the most common hard skills examples?

For new employees with little practical experience or track record, hard skills can be measured in terms of test scores and recent degrees or certifications. Hard skills examples include:

Proficiency in a foreign languageInventory control
Surgical proficiencyMusical ability
BlockchainComputer programming
Financial forecastingData analysis
Graphic designData mining
CarpentryProject management
Database managementMachine learning
Artificial intelligence (AI)Virtual & Augmented reality (VR/AR) development
Statistical analysisDigital marketing
Electrical repairMobile app development
Data visualizationInformation security
Product managementUI/UX design
Video production/editingGame development
IT troubleshootingCAD (computer-aided design)
Mechanical engineeringPublic speaking
Teaching/instructionWriting and editing
Logistics managementHVAC maintenance
Event planning and coordinationMedical billing and coding
Painting techniques

But truly, this list of hard skills examples is as long as the number of different professions in the world!

Why are hard skills important to train for?

The importance of hard skills is that they establish the backbone of the services your business provides or the products it creates. You would not hire a heart surgeon without the hard skills to perform heart surgery, or someone to design a bridge who only had experience in retail. Hard skills training ensures that your employees are equipped to do good work in their field.

What’s the best approach to this type of training? The answer to that depends on your employees and what skills they need. Starting with a training needs analysis can help target specific hard skills, which can then help you decide which approach will work best.

You might consider eLearning options to train for some of these skills, especially mobile microlearning resources that are easy to reference back to. Some industries have also had great success with AR/VR learning, and others prefer to offer blended learning that includes both instructor-led and digital modules.

The goal is to offer hard skills training that is relevant, engaging, and supportive of the types of hard skills your employees need to do their job.

How to train for both hard skills and soft skills

Truly, the best way to train employees is not to pit soft skills vs. hard skills but to develop both in tandem. The good news is that many of the same tools used to train for hard skills can easily be modified to work on soft skills development.

This might be as simple as modifying training modules to be completed in teams, highlighting teambuilding and collaboration. You might also include time for reflection and refinement in each training session. This gives employees practice in analyzing what they did well and identifying their growing edges.

In addition to modifying your learning experiences to incorporate soft skills development, there are other ways to train employees for both hard and soft skills. One effective method is to use simulation-based training, which allows employees to practice both hard and soft skills in a safe and controlled environment. For example, if you're training employees in customer service, a simulation-based training program can provide realistic scenarios that allow them to practice both technical skills like using the company's CRM software and soft skills like empathy and active listening.

Another approach is to use coaching and mentoring to develop both hard and soft skills. Mentoring can provide employees with guidance and support to develop their soft skills, while coaching can help them improve their hard skills by providing feedback and guidance on specific tasks or projects.

Ultimately, the key to successfully training employees for both hard and soft skills is to take an integrated approach. By incorporating both hard and soft skills into your training program, you can develop well-rounded employees who can effectively navigate any challenges they may encounter in their jobs.

As you plan your training sessions for your new hires or long-term employees, don’t think hard skills vs. soft skills. EdgePoint Learning can help you find a training approach to both that works for what your employees need right now. Get in touch today to learn more.

Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills: Definitions and 50+ Examples | EdgePoint Learning (2024)


Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills: Definitions and 50+ Examples | EdgePoint Learning? ›

Hard skills are teachable and measurable abilities, such as writing, reading, math or ability to use computer programs. By contrast, soft skills are the traits that make you a good employee, such as etiquette, communication and listening, getting along with other people.

What is the difference between hard skills and soft skills with examples? ›

Hard skills are teachable and measurable abilities, such as writing, reading, math or ability to use computer programs. By contrast, soft skills are the traits that make you a good employee, such as etiquette, communication and listening, getting along with other people.

What are hard skills vs soft skills in education? ›

Soft skills are those skills that come naturally and uniquely to everyone. These include leadership, effective communication, teamwork, time management, motivation and adaptability. On the other hand, hard skills are those that are gained through hands-on experience, training, or education.

What are 5 hard skills and soft skills? ›

List of hard and soft skills
Hard skillsSoft skills
Project managementNegotiating
Programming skillsCritical thinking
Social Media MarketingCreative thinking
BookkeepingWork ethic
49 more rows
Jun 17, 2023

What are hard skills in learning? ›

Types of Hard Skills
  • Computer software knowledge.
  • Graphic design.
  • Data analysis.
  • Project management.
  • Marketing.
  • Copywriting.
  • Computer programming.
  • Foreign languages.

What is soft skills examples? ›

Here are 15 soft skills examples that are essential traits among employees:
  • Communication.
  • Teamwork.
  • Problem-solving.
  • Time management.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Decision-making.
  • Organizational.
  • Stress management.

What are soft skills give an example? ›

Soft skills, also called people skills, are the mix of social and interpersonal skills, character traits, and professional attitudes that all jobs require. Teamwork, patience, time management, communication, are just a few examples.

What are soft skills in education? ›

Soft skills are often referred to as essential skills, interpersonal skills, and noncognitive skills. Although there are several soft skills, typical example soft skills are communication, teamwork, problem solving, and adaptability.

What are hard skills examples? ›

What are hard skills examples? A degree or other academic qualification, an industry-specific certification, coding skills, foreign language skills, typing speed, SEO marketing, bookkeeping, and computer skills are some examples of hard skills.

What is soft skills for students? ›

Soft skills for students are skills that enable them to adjust to job expectations, adapt to changing relationships with coworkers and clients, and survive in a competitive setting. Communication, teamwork, emotional intelligence, leadership, and problem-solving are examples of important soft skills for students.

What are the 7 major hard skills? ›

Hard Skills Examples List
  • Technical skills.
  • Computer skills.
  • Microsoft Office skills.
  • Analytical skills.
  • Marketing skills.
  • Presentation skills.
  • Management skills.
  • Project management skills.
Jun 21, 2023

What are your 3 soft skills? ›

Soft skills include interpersonal (people) skills, communication skills, listening skills, time management, problem-solving, leadership, and empathy, among others.1 They are among the top skills employers seek in the candidates they hire because soft skills are important for just about every job.

What are four soft skills? ›

“Top soft skills are teamwork, attention to detail, time management, organization, verbal and written communication, leadership, emotional intelligence, adaptability/flexibility, problem-solving/conflict resolution, and interpersonal skills. …

What are key soft skills? ›

These skills include: Professionalism or work ethic. Oral and written communication. Teamwork and collaboration skills. Critical thinking or problem-solving skills.

What is in soft skills? ›

Soft skills can also be thought of as people skills. These can include good communication and interpersonal skills, leadership, problem solving, your work ethic, time management, and teamwork. These are characteristics that can be carried over to any position.

Is communication a soft skill? ›

Soft skills are the non-technical human skills needed in every job across every industry. Communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, analysis, perseverance and creativity are all considered soft skills.

How do you identify soft skills? ›

Six Soft Skills to Look for in Hiring
  1. Adaptability.
  2. Communication.
  3. Conflict resolution.
  4. Critical observation.
  5. Problem-solving.
  6. Teamwork.

What are the five important of soft skills? ›

The best soft skills include critical thinking ability, problem-solving strategies, creativity, emotional quotient, and attitude toward other employees. The importance of soft skills in the workplace is often underestimated. But they are essential to sharpen hard skills.

What is the best soft skill to have? ›

The 10 most desired soft skills in the industry can vary depending on the specific job or industry. However, they generally include communication skills, teamwork, leadership, time management, adaptability, problem-solving, critical thinking, work ethic, creativity and emotional intelligence.

Is teamwork a soft skill? ›

Be a team player

As the most sought-after soft skill in today's workplace, taking the time to develop your teamwork skills and knowing how to prove them to a potential employer will aid your career development.

What are the 8 soft skills of successful students? ›

8 'Soft' Skills You Really Need to Land Your Dream Job
  • Critical Thinking/Problem Solving. ...
  • Attention to Detail. ...
  • Communication. ...
  • Ownership. ...
  • Leadership. ...
  • Interpersonal Skills. ...
  • Grit. ...
  • Curiosity.
Feb 17, 2017

What are 21st century soft skills? ›

Soft skills include communications, listening, and emotional perceptivity, such as empathy and sympathy. These skills tend to reside in personal attributes, personality, and character traits, and social cues picked up throughout one's life.

What are hard skills and soft skills? ›

What is the difference between hard skills and soft skills? Hard skills refer to the job-related knowledge and abilities that employees need to perform their job duties effectively. Soft skills, on the other hand, are the personal qualities that help employees really thrive in the workplace.

Is leadership a soft skill? ›

Like teamwork, strong leadership involves combining lots of soft skills – cultivating and maintaining relationships, inspiring, motivating, instilling discipline… the list is endless.

Is problem-solving a soft skill? ›

Problem-solving is considered a soft skill, or “people” skill. Soft skills are personal attributes that can be transferred from one job to another and help employees interact more effectively with others in the workplace.

Why are soft skills important in education? ›

Why are soft skills important for students? Soft skills play a crucial role in forming good rapport with batch mates, building a network with seniors, and establishing trust. Soft skills and personality development skills are important for students due to two main reasons: These skills improve employability.

What are the 8 core skills? ›

The eight essential skills are listening, speaking, problem-solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high, leadership, and teamwork. The skills cover communication, creative problem solving, self-management, and interpersonal skills.

What are the 4 core skills? ›

These skills are Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. In the context of first-language acquisition, the four skills are most often acquired in the order of listening first, then speaking, then possibly reading and writing. For this reason, these capabilities are often called LSRW skills.

What are soft skills called now? ›

Fundamentally, soft skills have just been rebranded as power skills. But the change that this name brings about is significant. Soft skills have always been viewed as a supporting and less considerable skill set than complex abilities.

Is work ethic a soft skill? ›

Good work ethic is an extremely positive soft skill that employees across all industries and levels of seniority should work to continually develop.

Is empathy a soft skill? ›

Empathy is one of the most sought-after soft skills in the workplace because it is an essential factor in human interaction and achieving well-being. But empathy does not come naturally to many people.

What are the six soft skills needed in the workplace? ›

If you can master these skills, then you'll make yourself an attractive employment prospect in any industry!
  • Communication. ...
  • Problem-solving. ...
  • Leadership. ...
  • Teamwork. ...
  • Work ethic. ...
  • Positive attitude. ...
  • Read more:
Apr 20, 2022

What are smart soft skills? ›

Soft skills such as empathy, persuasion, conflict resolution, teamwork and communication have always been important in any industry. However, as technology continues to improve and the balance between soft and hard skills shifts, these become even more important to long lasting and successful careers.

Can soft skills be taught? ›

Although they are less tangible than hard skills they can still be learned and developed, and employers will value any qualifications you have that demonstrate a willingness to improve them. Some fundamental soft skills for the workplace include creativity, persuasion, emotional intelligence, and collaboration.

Is creativity a soft skill? ›

Also known as creative problem-solving, creative thinking is a valuable and marketable soft skill in a wide variety of careers. In this guide, you'll learn: Creative Thinking Definition.

Is adaptability a soft skill? ›

Adaptability is a soft skill that means you easily adjust to changing circ*mstances. An adaptable person in the workplace can keep up with moving priorities, projects, clients, and technology. They're skilled at dealing with changes at work, whether process updates or their work environment.

What are two differences between soft skills and hard skills? ›

Hard skills are job-related competencies and abilities that are necessary to complete work, while soft skills are personal qualities and traits that impact how you work. Hard skills are often applicable to a certain career; soft skills are transferable to any type of job.

How do you list hard and soft skills on a resume? ›

For a chronological resume, you can separate your skills into hard and soft skills or list them all together. Use a bullet point for each skill. You can also put them side by side to save space, separating each skill with a comma or line.

What are the 4 main skills? ›

Each of the 4 skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing has an important role to play.

What are the six key skills? ›

The Core skills
  • Critical thinking and problem solving.
  • Communication and collaboration.
  • Creativity and imagination.
  • Student leadership.
  • Citizenship.
  • Digital literacy.

What are the four basic skills list? ›

Benefits of testing the four skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking) When we say that someone 'speaks' a language fluently, we usually mean that they have a high level in all four skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing.

How are hard and soft skills classified? ›

In job descriptions, employers often ask for a combination of hard and soft skills . Hard skills are related to specific technical knowledge and training while soft skills are personality traits such as leadership, communication or time management.

What are the two types of soft skills? ›

Soft skills include interpersonal (people) skills, communication skills, listening skills, time management, problem-solving, leadership, and empathy, among others.1 They are among the top skills employers seek in the candidates they hire because soft skills are important for just about every job.

How do you classify skills? ›

A skill is an ability to perform an activity in a competent manner. Skills can be classified into three main types: Transferable/Functional, Personal Traits/Attitudes, and Knowledge-based.

How do I describe my skills? ›

Choose strong words
  1. Use 'action' words such as achieved, awarded, organised, led, assisted, managed, increased, developed, built or won.
  2. Use positive words to describe yourself and your achievements such as accurate, willing to learn, organised, hardworking, dependable, motivated or creative.

How do you evaluate hard skills? ›

The most reliable way to assess hard skills is to employ a widely used skill assessment test that addresses industry- or job-specific tasks. These skill sets are easier to assess in a binary way. These are some common hard skill assessment tests: Computer skills assessment.


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.